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Battery Crimes: Law & Defense
(PC 242 & 243)

Information on the crime of battery is found at California penal code section 242 and 243(d).


PC 242 is sometimes referred to as "simple battery," and PC 243(d) is battery causing serious bodily injury, also known as "aggravated battery."

Battery is defined as willfully causing bodily injury to another person, or touching another person in an offensive way, without consent, or legal justification (PC 242).

To prove that the defendant is guilty of battery (PC 242), the prosecutor must prove that the defendant:

  • Purposefully touched another person in a harmful or offensive manner, and the touching caused bodily injury, or

  • The touching was highly offensive, and

  • The defendant did not act in self-defense, in defense of another person, or with the consent of the person touched

Note: Injury is not required to prove battery; however, if serious bodily injury is caused, then the defendant may be charged under PC 243(d), which carries harsher penalties and a longer jail sentence.

The defendant does not have to directly touch the alleged victim. Indirect touching will also qualify as a touching for PC 242 charges.


For example, if the defendant uses a stick to touch someone, and the touching caused injury or is highly offensive, then the defendant will be charged with battery, even though the touching was not a direct touching.

A highly offensive touching is a touching that does not cause injury but would otherwise be highly offensive to the average person.


For example, grabbing another person's arm in anger or touching the private parts of another person would be considered battery.

Sentence for Battery (PC 242 & 243(d))

PC 242 Battery, also called simple battery, is classified as a misdemeanor. If found guilty of PC 242, the defendant may serve up to 180 days in the county jail.

PC 243(d) also called aggravated battery, may be charged as a misdemeanor or as a felony.


If found guilty of misdemeanor PC 243(d), the defendant may be sentence up to one year in jail; if found guilty of felony PC 243(d), the defendant may be sentenced up to four years in prison.

Probation Sentence: A probation sentence is a period of supervision, with or without jail, and may be granted in both felony and misdemeanor battery charges.


As stated, when probation is granted, the court may order some jail time as a term of probation, but jail time associated with a probation sentence is generally much shorter than the maximum sentence and that jail sentence may usually be served alternatively by work release or electronic monitoring (house arrest).


Whether or not a probation sentence (with or without jail) will be granted in any particular battery case depends largely on the facts of the case and the defendant's criminal history.

Three Strikes Crime: Felony battery charged under PC 243(d) is considered a serious offense under California's Three Strikes Law and conviction of felony battery may trigger a third strike for defendants who have previously been convicted of two prior strike crimes.

Crime of Moral Turpitude: Crimes of moral turpitude are crimes that are considered morally wrong. Crimes of moral turpitude carry special punishment for licensed professionals and immigrants.


Neither simple battery charged under PC 242, nor aggravated battery charged under PC 243(d) is considered a crime of moral turpitude; however, felony battery charged under PC 243(d) may be considered an aggravated felony if the defendant is sentenced to more than a year in jail or prison.


Aggravated felonies also carry special punishment with immigration (for non-U.S. citizens).

Firearm Prohibition: Any conviction for aggravated battery charged under PC 243(d) carries a firearm prohibition.

In addition to any jail sentence, criminal convictions for PC 242 and 243(d) can lead to other severe consequences including: fines, civil lawsuits, restitution, employment loss (professional and occupational license), increased punishment for future crimes, criminal protective orders (restraining orders), anger management classes ordered, and more.

Defense to PC 242 & 243(d)


While every battery charge is supported by different facts, common defenses to battery charges include self-defense, defense of others, mutual combat, insufficient evidence, intoxication, insanity, consent to touching, statute of limitations, mistake of fact as to consent to touching, implied consent (athletic competition, intimate encounter), coerced confession, alibi defense, and more.

Statute of Limitations: The statute of Limitations for the crime of simple battery is one year from the date of the alleged offense.

For aggravated battery (PC 243), the statute of limitations is limitations is three years from the date of the alleged offense regardless of whether the aggravated battery charge is classified as a misdemeanor or a felony.

Judicial Diversion: & PC 242: Judicial diversion is a circumvention of the criminal prosecution process.


With judicial diversion in simple battery cases, the defendant does not enter a plea, but rather, he is placed on a probationary period, with terms and conditions. If he completes the "judicial diversion" terms, then his battery charges will be dismissed.

Note: Judicial diversion is not guaranteed in any PC 242 case (simple battery). The defendant must petition the court for this type of relief. Also, Judicial diversion is not available in most PC 243 cases (aggravated battery).

If you have been charged with simple battery under PC 242 or aggravated battery under PC 243(d), contact our criminal defense lawyers today for a free consultation and to learn your rights and defense options without delay.


Our successful and experienced criminal defense attorneys have defended hundreds of misdemeanor and felony charges, including battery charges. Our attorneys are available seven days a week. Call today!


Quick Reference​ (2025)..

Crime: Battery

Code: PC 242 (CalCrim No. 960)


Wobbler (No): PC 242 is not a wobbler. PC 242 is always charged as a misdemeanor.​


Incarceration: ​PC 242 jail sentence range: up to 180 days in jail.

Probation: Probation is available in PC 242 cases (assuming other crimes or enhancements that bar a probation sentence are not present). Whether or not a probation sentence is offered by the District Attorney, or granted by the court, depends on several factors, including the defendant's criminal history and the facts of the case.​​

Work Release or House Arrest: In some cases, a probation sentence can include actual in-custody county jail, house arrest (electronic monitoring), or work release (or some combination of these penalties); however, most in-custody jail sentence orders that are required as a terms of probation are much shorter than the maximum jail sentence.

Strike: PC 242 is not a strike offense listed in California's Three Strikes law.


Credits: 50% good conduct credits available.


CIMT: PC 242 is not a crime involving moral turpitude.


Firearms: PC 242 convictions prohibit defendant from owning or possessing a firearm for 10 years. 


Bail: $25,000 (San Bernardino County)

Battery PC 242 243 PC 242 Criminal defense lawyer attorney sentence punishment penalty jail prison misdemeanor felony Redlands Yucaipa san Bernardino rialto colton fontana rancho Cucamonga Ontario Victorville highland Hesperia loma linda se habla espanol Spanish abogado hs California ca crime penal code

Rialto, Ontario, Loma Linda, Rancho Cucamonga, Chino, Redlands, Victorville, Colton, Highland, Hesperia, San Bernardino, Upland, Yucaipa, Fontana

Related Crimes


  • PC 242 & PC242-M Simple Battery

  • PC 243(d) Aggravated Battery

  • PC 243(e)(1) Battery of a spouse or cohabitant

  • PC 243(c)(2) Battery on peace officer

  • PC 243.4 Sexual Battery

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Redlands, CA 92374

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